
2 Year Account

6.60% * p.a.

*Current variable rate effective as at 1 March, 2025. Rate after fees, reviewed monthly.

Our 2 Year Account aims to provide investors with a reasonably stable and predictable income based on a monthly variable rate of return, investing in a wide range of loans secured by first mortgages in a range of industry sectors, with geographic diversification across Australia.
Low – Medium Risk Classification**

La Trobe Financial 2 year investment account

Key Benefits

Historical Performance

2 Year Account - Annual

wdt_ID Month Ended Month Ending Net Return Monthly Return Account ($) Account (%) % Return
1 July 2023 July 2021 4.50% 0.38% 100000 100.00% 0.00%
2 July 2023 July 2022 4.40% 0.37% 104234 104.23% 4.23%
3 July 2023 July 2023 6.35% 0.53% 110287 110.29% 10.29%
4 July 2024 July 2024 6.85% 0.57% 117868 117.87% 17.87%
Month Ended Month Ending Net Return Monthly Return Account ($) Account (%) % Return

(A guide to this chart and table: This chart and table illustrate how a $100,000 investment in this product has performed historically. If you started with a base investment of $100,000 when this product began, the ‘Accumulation ($)’ column represents the gross dollar value of your investment on the 12-month anniversary each year. The table displays this both in dollar value (Accumulation ($)) and in terms of percentage growth (Account (%)). The ‘% Return’ column shows net return over time using the initial $100,000 investment as the starting point. Important: Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Numbers are rounded for reporting purposes, so where sum of the numbers is immaterially different from the total, it is acknowledged that this is due to report rounding).

How to Get Started

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^Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

**We provide this risk classification as a guide and it describes the risk based on the investment strategy of the investment account and underlying asset base. In assessing the risks of each investment account, we have had reference to the categories of risk described in the Standard Risk Measure Guidance Paper for Trustees issued jointly by the Financial Services Council (of which we are a member) and the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia dated July 2011.

#We will make every endeavour to release your funds after receiving your withdrawal request: within 2 business days for the Classic Notice Account, 90 days for the 90 Day Notice Account, and 180 days for the 6 Month Notice Account. However, we have 12-months under the Fund’s Constitution to fulfill the request. When determining whether to honour your withdrawal request within the specified timeframes we have to have regard to the Fund’s ability to realise for value the relevant assets and the best interests of investors. While there is a risk of not honouring your withdrawal request within 2 business days, 90 days or 180 days, it’s important to note that there has never been a case in the history of the Fund when we have not honoured a withdrawal request on time due to a lack of liquidity.

Any advice on our website is general and has been prepared without considering your objectives, financial situation, or needs. When making your investment decision, note that (1) an investment in our products is not the same as a term deposit, lacking coverage under the Australian Government’s deposit guarantee scheme and posing a higher risk than a bank-issued term deposit; and (2) additional risks are associated with an investment in our products which are detailed in section 9 of the La Trobe Australian Credit Fund PDS, and section 6 of the La Trobe US Private Credit Fund PDS respectively. Full disclaimers are available here.